So I made this huge pot of Pozole, and now I regret making so much. I think to myself- in these hard economic times, why am I making so much food that I don't really want to give away to others (selfish?)? I am so used to making a big batch of the stuff because its nice to have leftovers and sometimes invite others to have some. It feels like I need to horde things, even though we aren't really "suffering" through hard eceonomic times the way some people might be (I am grateful that Mike is still employed). I think I am getting brainwashed by the current economic society to save, horde, use coupons, by on sale items, clearance items, not use so much energy to save money, be thrifty, so on and so forth. I think that we have been blessed to still have Mike working, and still be able to do things every now and again like before this economic dive.
I guess in the end, it doesn't hurt to save money, if it means we can have fun or invest in something later on. What are your thoughts? Does anyone else feel obligated to save money? Maybe you are having a tough time, what do you do to help yourself through it?
I think I will share my Pozole with a friend...share the wealth, right?